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general May 17, 2024

It feels that it was yesterday when we were writing our New Years’ Resolutions and we promised ourselves that this would be the year to finally find love.

What happened with that desire?

What got in the way between you and your new love? Was it your busy schedule, your work commitments or your travels?

Or was it your “hope” to find love without having to do anything on your side to make it happen that keep you stuck from finding love?

Now days we hide our fears with “hope”.

You can bear a hardship today by believing that tomorrow will be better. But that is the most that hope can do for you – to make some hardship lighter by making the present moment less difficult to bear.

Hope is really an obstacle to your happiness. When I think deeply about the nature of hope, I see something tragic. By clinging to your hope in the future, you do not focus your energies and capabilities on the present moment.

Your appointment with life is in the present moment. It is NOW.

If you are not experiencing love and the joy it brings to your life right now, when will you? – tomorrow, next week, next year? What is really preventing you from being happy in a real relationship right now?

True love brings security, peace and happiness. True love has proven to heal the most difficult psychological states. It removes the suffering that is present in you and in the other.

You too can find find true love – what we call “soulmate love”- , and with him/her develop wonderful sources of energy in your lives.

You can nurture the unconditional love that does not expect anything in return and therefore does not lead to anxiety and sorrow. That is exactly what a soulmate love is about.

Attempting to bring about world peace through the internal transformation of individuals is our goal at the Institute of Love and Wisdom, and we know is not an easy task although it is the only way to succeed at it.

True love must first be developed within us an individuals. Then peace follows. True love is the fundamental basis for peace.

When love and peace are developed within you as an individual, then you are able to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony wherever you are. This atmosphere can be extended from you – the individual – to your family, from your family to your community and eventually to the whole world.

Yes, you have the power to make a positive impact in our planet and transform the world.

Our Soulmate Success Intensive Program and my ebook “How to Find your Soulmate – Simple Steps to Find your Soulmate and Create a Meaningful and Lasting Romantic Relationship” were created specially with the intention to bring true love, security and peace to your life.

When you find your true love, and create a “soulmate Relationship” you will experience the happiness, security and peace of a partnership that becomes everlasting.

But you need to stop “hoping” and start proactively “doing”.

To find your soulmate you’re going to have to take part in the exciting activity known as dating.

Sometimes dating can be a hassle and even disappointing if you are not clear about what you want and don’t know what you are doing.

The good news is that with basic dating education you are guaranteed a meaningful experience in your journey to find your dreamed soulmate partner.

There are many ways for meeting new potential partners and every person has their unique preferences. Depending on your age, gender and culture some things prove to be more efficient than others.

The goal is to make of every moment of your day a great opportunity for meeting new people. At the end, dating is a numbers game. If finding love is a priority in your life you must be meeting at least a few new single people every week!

Here are our recommendations on how to start meeting new singles today:

1. Make sure everyone you know knows that you are single and open to new possibilities – from your relatives to your co-workers to your religious community. Ask them if they know anyone who might be a good fit for you. Meet them. If you don’t hit it off it’s ok. Stay positive and appreciate the new friendship. Remember, you could meet your soulmate through them!

2. Start attending as many functions, social events and reunions as you possibly would enjoy. The world works in mysterious ways. The more you attend events that involve your interests, the higher your chances of meeting that special someone will be.

3. Make your public profiles interesting, engaging, and honest. Make sure to post your best photo on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. Remember, this is what people will first digest when they look at your profile. Take the time to add interesting details about who you are, what you like and what you find funny, chances are the right sort of people will be attracted.

4. Sign up for those interesting classes that you always wanted to take, from golf lessons to thai cooking.

5. Start dating online TODAY. In today’s modern world it is simply the easiest and fastest way to meet single people. It is also the most effective way to find love and create a long lasting relationship (of course, if you know how to do it right!).

Statistics tell us that 1 in every 3 couples that get married in the USA met online. That number is rapidly growing every year.

Online dating is low pressure, confidential, you can do it from home and you get to connect with a lot of normal people – yes, normal people like you and me.

Most of our clients successfully meet their soulmates online. I met my romantic soulmate online!

Some people are still not familiar with how it works and are afraid of meeting wrong partners. The truth is that you can meet wrong partners anywhere. There are good people and bad people everywhere.

To have a successful experience online you need to master how to do it and have an outstanding profile that will get massive attention and will attract the right people.

If you can’t meet new single people on your own, you should find someone to help you create a strategy and move forward with a comprehensible plan. Starting a Program, hiring a dating coach who can teach you how to do it or reading my ebook would be a great idea.

If you stay in your comfort zone, doing the same things, following your same routine and continuing “hoping” for love to find you by accident, I assure you that the chance of finding love is very low.

Very soon we are starting our “Soulmate Success Intensive Program”. Supported by our proven methodology it is the most effective way to find love in this modern time, where nobody has time for anything.

I want to personally invite you to get out of your comfort zone and proactively achieve your romantic goals, find your partner, and create the fulfilling and stable relationship that you have always dreamed of.

We will work with a small group of singles determined to find their soulmates and enjoy the fulfillment, security, happiness and peace that comes with a solid and stable relationship.

They will change their life forever!

We are ready to celebrate your success!

With much love,






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