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general May 17, 2024

When I think about soulmates, I think about my parents.

They met when my dad was 17 and my mom was 13. They have been together for 63 truly loving years and TODAY they celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary. It’s a huge event in our family as we all celebrate their everlasting love for each other and their happiness.

It is truly uplifting to be around them and see the loving way in which they treat each other; see them always holding hands and be witness to their mutual display of affection in front of open doors.

Their story is inspires me. That’s why I am sharing it with you.

My parents were blessed with good luck.

Today statistics show us that only 2% of the people find their soulmates early in life and go on to live happily ever after. And I mean, really truly happily.

That is one of the reasons why I decided to become a love and relationship adviser. There just had to be a way of proactively creating a real relationship and walk through life holding hands with a loving partner, if that was you’re your truly desired, even if lady luck hadn’t visit you.

Early in my life I started studying the dynamic of romantic relationships. I studied and researched both the good-long-lasting ones and the bad ones.

I also started studying about men and women from different ages, cultures, religions and different walks of life.

I needed real proven answers to all my questions.

What makes a relationship work?

What makes it fail?

What makes a relationship last forever?

What is it that men want from women?

What is it that women want from men?

Are men’s unconscious needs in a relationship different from their conscious needs?

What are the differences between the needs of a man and the needs of a woman?

Is there a reason why sometimes love – even real, deep love- is not enough for everlasting happiness?

My discoveries have been more than amazing. I discovered that there is a true science to meeting ones soulmate and living happily ever after.

The greatest news is that creating a long lasting relationship doesn’t have to happen just by luck. Finding a true-long-lasting love is a proactive matter of choice, of course, when you “know how”.

I started working with wonderful singles searching for true love more than 10 years ago.

Now, 10 years later I am celebrating the happiness of my parents for having found their own true and everlasting love. They are an inspiration in my work of guiding people to the real experience of finding true soulmate love.

I am also celebrating the happiness of all the singles that I have helped to find their soulmates. Singles who have been able to create a true long-lasting relationship through my private coaching and my singles programs.

I have helped extraordinary men and women – just like you – create their romantic relationship. They can now live the life they dreamed of. They are a real testimony of true love and happiness.

I created the Institute of Love and Wisdom to continue and expand my work. I created it especially for you. I want to share this proven methodology with you directly so that you and the ones around you can benefit from it.

In my free newsletter, I will share with you:

  • How To Raise Your Relationship Capability,
  • How To Connect With The Opposite Sex,
  • How To Understand Their Deepest And Most Basic Needs.
  • Where And How To Find Good Partners.
  • Advanced Dating Tools
  • Dating “Do’s” And “Don’t’s”
  • Educational Videos
  • How To Improve Your Communication Skills With Your Partner
  • All The Things That Have Helped Me Personally As Well As My Clients
  • And Much More.

The goal is to help you find the right partner – your soulmate – and create an everlasting romantic relationship.

You will see all areas in your life naturally flourish through the power of a soulmate love. Your happiness, inner peace, your career, your health, your finances and more.

With that goal in mind, I want to personally give you my warmest welcome to this newsletter and others to follow. You can sign up right here to receive my free newsletter.

I hope my message will bring wisdom and happiness to your life and the life of those around you. Please feel free to improve someone’s life by sharing this message with others who are in search of the same happiness.

I would be honored to be a part of your journey!

Much Love,






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