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general May 17, 2024

I have wonderful news for you!

So much is going on at the Institute of Love and Wisdom. We are so excited, that we just can’t hide it!

We are celebrating the opening of our Professional Matching Service to help our students, clients and all singles looking for love, who live in places where online dating isn’t still very popular. Yay!

Our goal is to help single men and women find their right partners, so they can create fulfilling, healthy and everlasting relationships, “soulmate” relationships. This is a giant step for us.

It’s totally FREE to register and you can find all the details here.

When I started working with singles back in 2004, I started interviewing men and women and we would discuss what they wanted in a potential partner and based on that, we would start working towards getting results.

I have interviewed thousands of singles and realize that 10 years have gone by, and singles are still holding on to the same criteria when they look for love.

Wrong criteria make singles pick wrong partners and create wrong relationships. It all starts with lack of knowledge that results in broken hearts, pain, confusion, loneliness, separation, depression and divorce.

Most of the failures that people have in their relationships take place because they totally confuse chemistry with love. The truth is that chemistry is a double-edged sword.

People crave chemistry because it makes their brain produce higher amounts of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and other “I feel so good chemicals” that really make you feel happy, excited and high.

The problem with chemistry is that it blinds people and don’t allow them to see the other person as he or she really is. The capability to be objective is totally lost.

Only when you get to know the character of the other, you will know if they are boyfriend/girlfriend material or if they would be a good husband or wife.

Knowing the character of your partner is the most important aspect to consider if you really want to create a happy, healthy and lasting relationship with them.

To make easier the selection of your new partner, we have created a list of the people you must avoid when dating – no matter how much chemistry you have with them. It’s easier to discard them before you get trapped in the chemistry game and end up with heartache.

Those types of partners have proven over and over not to be the best partners, and they are not able to create lasting relationships.

The men and women you must avoid when dating:

1) The Man or Woman with a Temper

This is not just a man or woman who is rude or abrasive.

When they are in a good mood, they will be charming. When they are not in a good mood…they will act like you don’t exist.

It is a person who when angry, distances themselves, sometimes even disappearing for good!

2) The Cheater

Avoiding the cheating type is only possible if you know of their duplicitous ways prior to pursuing a relationship. Be wise before getting involved, and try finding out about his/her past relationships and why they ended.

If you do get involved and they cheat on you…don’t just hope that things “plain ‘n’ simple” will change.

Make it a priority to save the relationship that matters most – the relationship you have with yourself!

3) The Workaholic

While this type of partner often does very well financially, they do not do well in relationships. They don’t allow their partner to influence them. In short, they are often control freaks and investing your hopes of being a happy couple might make you feel secondary to the job.

4) The Emotionally Unavailable

There is just no way to build a relationship with an emotionally unavailable person. They refuse to express themselves and are so evasive that it becomes exhausting trying to get through to them. They are usually good at charm, seduction and sexual appeal, but when the relationship gets deeper they will bail or sabotage it.

5) The Gold Digger

All singles have experienced the effort to bring together their physical, spiritual and financial aspects in the process of courting.

The gold digger will compliment you on your expensive watch, and ask you what kind of car you drive, what you do for a living, where you live, and so on. They speak of high-priced evenings and pricey wines. They will later start to mention their bills and their need for your financial help.

While you spend with emotion and desire, make sure your newly found is enjoying you, rather than your money. Stand your ground and keep your hand on your wallet. Be very careful, they could easily arouse you to the point of blind obedience.

Now, let me clarify what I mean by the word “avoid”…

When there is a lot of chemistry between you and any of those partners, they may feel intense passion for you in the beginning stages of a relationship. Once the intensity begins to cool, those types of partners often have little tolerance for you or any other one, who expresses any normal emotional needs.

I am not stating that you cannot be in a relationship with one of them. It’s just that regardless of their good qualities, they are not the best partners out there and sooner or later will break your heart.

By making wrong decisions when picking your partner, you are planting the seeds to your own unhappiness. Choose a partner for how they treat you, not how excited you are about them.

There are lots of honest, hard-working, relationship-oriented, socially balanced, single men and women. They are out there and some of them are already our clients at the Institute of Love and Wisdom.

Don’t stop looking for your right partner and definitely don’t settle for a partner you know better to avoid.

Everywhere, there are good people and there are people who will do you wrong. If you need help finding the good ones and deciphering the difference, please contact us. We can help you!

Soon, we will be guiding a workshop for a selected group of men and women, who want to make 2015 the year they find their soul mate, get engaged and maybe even married.

You will get a complete new tool kit for dating that really works, and I will share with you the secret to a man’s and a woman’s heart.

You will also learn where to find quality men and women, and how to connect with them so they will be interested in you. Most importantly, you will learn to make new choices in relationships and find your right partner. YES, FINALLY.

Details will follow, so keep reading our newsletters. Spots will be limited and by invitation only. If you are interested, please send us a request here.

To your most fulfilling romantic relationship!

Your friends,






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